5 Common Early Dating Mistakes to Avoid

5 Common Early Dating Mistakes to Avoid

Are you new to dating and worried about making mistakes? You’re not alone! Early dating mistakes can be common but avoidable – in this article, we’ll explore 5 of them that you should keep in mind as you navigate the world of romance.

No matter how you slice it, the break up of any relationship almost always leaves at least one person asking, How did this happen?

The people who ask this question are the ones who fail to recognize the early warning signs that point to a relationship in jeopardy. The reasons for this can range from being too involved in the relationship to being too detached.

As they say, hindsight is always a 20/20 vision. The insight and wisdom you’ve gained, unfortunately, came in too late to do something about saving the relationship.

But that doesn’t have to be necessarily so IF you are able to identify the mistakes in their beginnings and take the proper steps to address them.

So what are these early dating mistakes to avoid?

Below are some of the more common early dating mistakes that you should be aware of so that you will be careful enough to allow them to ruin your relationship, you’re in a better position to do something about it.

1. Cultivating false expectations.

Early dating mistakes

Nobody is perfect, and yet, for some reason, you may be tempted to expect some people in your life to be just that. So when they don’t turn out to be the way you thought they should be, you become disappointed and wonder what you ever saw in them.

Now, it’s very likely, that you never meant to set the bar so high. But usually, this kind of expectation is set when the person in question is someone you regard very highly, and therefore idealize.

There is nothing wrong about thinking highly of someone, but remember, that they, just like you, are only humans capable of making mistakes. So the earlier you incorporate this fact into how you see people and their relationship to you, the better you are at handling their shortcomings when they arise.

2. Assuming they will never change.

As the old saying goes, The only constant thing in this world is change. This applies to everything, including people. The person you now know may be totally different five years from now. This is because events and people in his/her life will affect how he/she is as a person. Whether you like it or not, the people in your life will go through changes and you should be prepared for that.

It is a destructive illusion to think or assume the people in your life will remain the same all through life. There are many factors in life that can be responsible for people to change, these include both the positive and negative happenings in life.

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3. Leaving out interests and friends for that person.

early dating mistakesSome people assume that for a relationship to grow strong, they need to focus all their attention and energy on that one person. Usually, what happens is that they lose time for other people in their lives, shutting them out.

This is about as bad a move as you can make for yourself. You are doubly at a loss because the relationships that you’ve set aside feel abandoned while the one you’re focused on is experiencing a lot of strain.

It will only be a matter of time before the person you’ve put so much time into will feel smothered and wants to take time off from you. When that happens, you’ll find that there is hardly anyone to catch you because you’ve left all the others out.

4. Conflicts are bad.

The next time you run into an argument, avoid the assumption that the relationship is immediately doomed. Remember that the other person is someone different from you and ultimately, will have a different set of opinions from yours.

Given this, there will be disagreements, but that does not mean that you cannot resolve them amicably. In fact, conflicts can help the two of you develop a deeper relationship with each other since you discover more things about that person. And as you work around these conflicts a deeper bond is formed.

It is a dangerous assumption in a relationship that there will never be conflicts, rather conscious efforts should be made towards arming oneself with requisite conflict resolution skills before they even pop up.

5. Believing that you need a relationship to become a complete person.

Avoid emotional cheatingDevelop the attitude that you can stand on your own two feet and that you are complete regardless of whether you are in a relationship with someone or not.

Do not allow a hole within yourself expecting someone else to fill it for you. If you do, you go through life feeling incomplete, leaving you jaded and unsatisfied. Be in control of your needs and learn to be satisfied with who you are. Relationships are meant to enrich something that is already complete, to begin with.

Being aware of these early dating mistakes and taking the effort to safeguard yourself will save you a whole lot of disappointment and grief. You can only be a better person for it, which in turn, improves your relationships with others. And that leads to a fuller, more satisfying life for everyone concerned.

In conclusion, avoiding these five early dating mistakes can help set the foundation for a healthier and more fulfilling relationship down the line. By keeping expectations realistic, communicating effectively, and prioritizing self-care during this phase, daters can increase their chances of finding lasting love!

FAQ Section:

Q: What are the consequences of cultivating false expectations in early dating?

A: Cultivating false expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration when reality doesn’t align with the idealized image created. It’s important to approach dating with an open mind and embrace the person as they are, rather than projecting unrealistic expectations onto them.

Q: Why is it important to maintain personal interests and friends while dating someone new?

A: Neglecting personal interests and friends for a new romantic partner can lead to unhealthy dependency and a loss of individual identity. Maintaining a balanced life outside the relationship allows for personal growth and a stronger foundation for the relationship itself.

Q: Are conflicts always detrimental to early dating?

A: No, conflicts are a natural part of any relationship, including early dating. It’s how conflicts are handled that matters. Open communication, empathy, and compromise can help resolve conflicts and strengthen the bond between partners.

Q: Can a relationship make someone a complete person?

A: No, seeking completeness solely through a relationship is an unrealistic expectation. It’s important to have a sense of self-worth and fulfillment independent of a romantic partner. Healthy relationships are built on two individuals who are already whole and complete on their own.

Q: How can I avoid assuming that my partner will never change?

A: It’s essential to recognize that change is a constant in life. Avoid assuming that your partner will never change by embracing open communication and allowing room for personal growth. Encourage dialogue about individual aspirations and support each other’s journeys of self-improvement.

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