
Disclosure Page for Relationship Survival Tips Website:

At Relationship Survival Tips, our goal is to provide our readers with valuable content that helps them improve their relationships. We take pride in being a transparent platform and believe it’s important to disclose any potential conflicts of interest or financial relationships we may have.

Affiliate Disclosure:

Some of the links on our website are affiliate links which means if you click on them and make a purchase, we receive a commission at no extra cost to you. These commissions help us maintain and grow the site while keeping it free for users.

However, please note that not all links are affiliate links; some are simply included because we find them useful or think they might be helpful for our readers.

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From time to time, we may publish sponsored content on this website. This could include posts written by an advertiser or promotional material provided by an advertiser.

Regardless of how these articles/posts come about, we will always clearly label such posts as “sponsored” so that there’s complete transparency around who wrote/paid for the article

Product Reviews:

Occasionally we review products related to relationship survival tips; however such reviews are based solely on editorial discretion without influence from third parties. We do not accept payment in exchange for positive reviews.

That said, some product reviews might contain affiliate links that can earn us commissions when clicked upon.

Changes To Our Disclosure Policy:

We reserve the right to change/modify this policy anytime without prior notice; hence it’s advisable for users regularly check back here for updates.

Contact Us:

For further questions about this disclosure policy please reach out via email at info@relationshipsurvivaltips.com